Welcome to the 2023 Summit! We will open the event with networking and lunch for members from 11:30am-12:00 p.m. At 12:00pm we will hear from our guest speaker Ciji Townsend. Ciji is a wellness advocate and podcast host. You will have the opportunity to hear strategies to manage time, increase productivity, and prioritize wellness in a balanced, not busy, lifestyle. The Touchstone Summit will begin at approximately 12:30pm. We will do a quick recap of the year and a look at what we have planned for 2024. Next, we will present the winners of the Touchstone Awards. We will conclude with a thank you to all members and a call to action for anyone interested in serving on the board or as a volunteer to sign up via the website.
Date: Wednesday, November 1st
Members Networking and lunch 11:30am-12:00 p.m. CDT
Summit from 12:00pm-1:30pm